About Us

The Right Honourable Dr. Denzil Llewellyn Douglas

Jasmine Weekes
Permanent Secretary
Welcome to the Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Commerce and Consumer Affairs

The Mission of the Ministry of International Trade, Industry Commerce and Consumer Affairs is to facilitate socio-economic development through accommodative trading arrangements and a competitive and enterprising business sector anchored in a consumer friendly environment.
The Ministry of International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs is responsible for trade promotion and trade and business facilitation. In that regard, the Ministry works closely with the Customs and Excise Department, Ministry of Finance, the St. Kitts Investment Promotion Agency (SKIPA) and the St. Kitts and Nevis Ports Authority in addressing issues to improve the trade and business environment in St. Kitts and Nevis. The Ministry coordinates the activities and operations of the National Trade Facilitation Task Force which was set up to advise and formulate positions for work to be undertaken by the Trade Facilitation Committee of the WTO. The Task Force is chaired by the Financial Secretary (Ministry of Finance) and coordinated by the Ministry of International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs.
The Mission of International Trade is to strengthen cooperation with the global community, promote the country’s contribution to multilateral trade organizations and provide opportunities for economic investments by developing a range of programmes aimed at promoting fair and accessible trade.
Trade policy is coordinated at the national level with the private sector. Their views are generally expressed through the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce and through specially organized consultations with specific focus groups. In addition, the views of labor unions and civil society are taken into account.
Trade policy is seen as a tool for bringing about economic and social development for St. Kitts and Nevis. The Ministry of International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer affairs is responsible for all WTO and International and regional Trade issues. It is also the main agency for coordinating trade policy discussions and formulation, and is responsible for matters related to anti-dumping, subsidies, and competition policy.
The objective of the trade and investment policy of St. Kitts and Nevis is to enhance competitiveness and attract foreign direct investment, particularly in tourism and manufacturing, services including professional services and to promote economic diversification particularly since the closure of the sugar sector.